breathe with me Let’s BreatheFill out the form below for your customized breathwork session and I’ll get the recording to you within 1 week! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### What is the main challenge or block you are currently experiencing? * What would you like to feel or experience instead? (Example: I want to feel more confident, free, creative, peaceful, etc.) * If you could change one belief or pattern about yourself, what would it be? * Can you recall a specific moment when you first felt this challenge or block? What happened? * How does this challenge show up in your day-to-day life? (Example: self-doubt in work, avoidance in relationships, fear of speaking up, etc.) * Where do you feel this in your body when it comes up? (Example: tight chest, lump in throat, heavy shoulders, etc.) * Are there any recurring thoughts or phrases you say to yourself when this happens? (Example: "I'm not good enough," "I don’t belong," "I’ll fail," etc.) * Growing up, were you encouraged or discouraged in this area of life? (Example: If confidence is the focus—did your parents build you up or criticize you?) * Are there any people or past experiences that have shaped how you feel about this today? * What is your current biggest fear around changing this belief or pattern? * Imagine yourself free from this challenge—how do you feel? What do you see? * How would your life look different if this block was no longer holding you back? * What is one action step you know you need to take, but something has been stopping you? * Any additional information Thank you!